Many of you would like to know - are wisdom teeth important? Here's a short blog that will help you find out the secrets behind those notorious 'wisdom teeth.'

Wisdom Tooth

Wisdom Tooth

Did you know how wisdom teeth got their name?

Are they indeed associated with any form of wisdom? Let us help you find it out!

Why Are Wisdom Teeth Called Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are called by this name because they come through the oral cavity at a mature age.

The usual time of their eruption is in the late teen years or early twenties (17-25 years). [1]

Significance of Wisdom Teeth

When erupted fully and correctly in the mouth, these third molars help to chew & grind food.

Third-molar or wisdom teeth are equally effective in biting as the other molars.

In the ancient periods, the diet was mainly comprised of raw plants and meat.

Wisdom teeth were essential to aid in the chewing and grinding actions.

This, in turn, led to the proper breakdown of the food and ensured healthy digestion.

The need for wisdom teeth has been gradually declining with modifications in our lifestyle & food consumption.

This is particularly true due to new inclusions of better-cooked and processed foods.

Benefits of Keeping Wisdom Teeth

If you have well-erupted, healthy third molars in your oral cavity, there is usually no requirement for its removal.

Avoiding oral surgical procedures is a major advantage of not getting rid of wisdom teeth.

Is It Important To Remove Wisdom Teeth?

It is not always necessary to remove your wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth extraction is only indicated in situations where they can cause problems. [2]

The most common issues include impactions (locked tooth in bone), cysts, tumors, & infections.

Sometimes, removing wisdom teeth may be associated with a few disadvantages as well.

Up to 1 out of 100 people may have permanent problems as a result of extraction procedures, such as numbness or damage to nearby teeth. [3]

Side-Effects of Removing Wisdom Teeth

Removal of third molar teeth may be accompanied by some side effects.

Common side effects include [4]

  1. Bleeding and swelling
  2. Unpleasant sensations and pain
  3. Damage to nearby teeth and soft tissue structures
  4. Numbness in the extracted region and associated areas

These usually lead to disturbances in routine work, sports activities, & leisure events.

It may worsen with restricted mouth opening (trismus), and problems in pronouncing some words. [5]


It is critical to monitor all wisdom teeth that are not subjected to removal. [6]

This is because they always have the potential for developing problems later on.

With age, there comes greater health risks, including those related to wisdom teeth.

Thus it is advised to maintain a good oral hygiene regimen and visit your dentist regularly.


The answer is no!

A study published in the Dental Research Journal suggests that 5% to 37% of the population have missing wisdom teeth since birth.

These teeth were never formed in the first place. [7]

First signs of wisdom tooth erupting include: [8]

  1. jaw pain
  2. bad breath or infection
  3. swelling of the gums with bleeding
  4. difficulty in opening your mouth

Painful third molars?

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