Get dental bridges in Chandigarh for an affordable smile makeover! Save up to 93% compared to the US, even without insurance! Experience the precision of 3D scans for best results.

Read on to learn about the best dentist, clinic, travel options, maryland bridges & more!

How Much Does a 3-Unit Fixed Dental Bridge Cost?

A 3 crown bridge in Chandigarh costs between INR 38,000 to INR 96,000 ($450 – $1,150). This means you can save more than 80% on costs compared to the US where it costs INR 2,76,000 to INR 8,70,000 ($3,300 – $10,400).

Continue reading to discover the details of pricing & savings for different types of fixed bridges.

In Chandigarh, a 3-crown porcelain bridge costs only INR 38,000 ($450), compared to INR 4,52,000 ($5,400) in the US, offering a significant 92% cost savings.

Similarly, a 3-tooth zirconia bridge is priced at just INR 63,000 ($750) in Chandigarh, saving you 88% compared to the US price of INR 5,02,000 ($6,000).

These prices include consultation, examination, tooth preparation, a 3D scan, lab charges, and follow-ups.

Refer to the table below for more details.

Dental Bridges Cost in Chandigarh vs US/Canada (USD)
Procedure Chandigarh (USD) US/Canada (USD) %Savings
Porcelain Fused to Metal Bridge* $450 $3,300 86%
Porcelain Bridge $450 $5,400 92%
Ceramic Bridge* $750 $4,500 83%
Zirconia Bridge* $750 $6,000 88%
E-max Bridge* $750 $6,000 88%
Implant-Supported Bridge (Porcelain)* $1,150 $10,400 89%
*3 crown bridge
**Prices are case-dependent.

A 3-unit fixed dental bridge in Chandigarh, India, costs between INR 38,000 to INR 96,000 (£349 - £892), including consultation, examination, tooth preparation, lab charges, and follow-ups.

For instance, a 3-unit fixed porcelain bridge costs around INR 38,000 (£349) in Chandigarh, compared to INR 314,000 (£2,907) in the UK, resulting in 88% cost savings.

Similarly, a 3-unit fixed zirconia bridge costs about INR 63,000 (£582) in Chandigarh, while the UK price is INR 383,000 (£3,540), offering 84% cost savings.

Contrarily, a 3-unit bridge costs INR 217,000 to INR 593,000 (£2,010 - £5,497) in the UK, making bridges in Chandigarh up to 88% cheaper.

Refer to the table below for more details.

Dental Bridges Cost in Chandigarh vs UK (GBP)
Procedure Chandigarh (GBP) UK (GBP) %Savings
Porcelain Fused to Metal Bridge* £349 £2,010 83%
Porcelain Bridge £349 £2,907 88%
Ceramic Bridge* £582 £2,328 75%
Zirconia Bridge* £582 £3,540 84%
E-max Bridge* £582 £3,489 83%
Implant-Supported Bridge (Porcelain)* £892 £5,497 84%
*3 crown bridge
**Prices are case-dependent.

A 3-unit fixed dental bridge in Chandigarh, India, costs between INR 38,000 to INR 96,000 (A$682 - A$1,743), including consultation, examination, tooth preparation, lab charges, and follow-ups.

For instance, a 3-unit fixed porcelain bridge costs around INR 38,000 (A$682) in Chandigarh, compared to INR 503,000 (A$9,096) in Australia, resulting in 93% cost savings.

Similarly, a 3-unit fixed zirconia bridge costs about INR 63,000 (A$1,137) in Chandigarh, while the Australian price is INR 554,000 (A$10,008), offering 89% cost savings.

Contrarily, a 3-unit bridge costs INR 402,000 to INR 964,000 (A$7,278 - A$17,437 ) in Australia, making bridges in Chandigarh up to 93% cheaper.

Refer to the table below for more details.

Dental Bridges Cost in Chandigarh vs Australia (AUD)
Procedure Chandigarh (AUD) Australia (AUD) %Savings
Porcelain Fused to Metal Bridge* A$682 A$7,278 91%
Porcelain Bridge A$682 A$9,096 93%
Ceramic Bridge* A$1,137 A$8,187 86%
Zirconia Bridge* A$1,137 A$10,008 89%
E-max Bridge* A$1,137 A$10,008 89%
Implant-Supported Bridge (Porcelain)* A$1,743 A$17,437 90%
*3 crown bridge
**Prices are case-dependent.

If you need to replace one or more missing teeth close to Chandigarh, consider affordable dental bridges in Mohali.

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What Are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are fixed prostheses used to replace missing teeth. They restore functionality, improve appearance, and prevent teeth on either side of the gap from drifting out of position.

Dental bridges consist of retainer crowns and pontics. Pontics are false teeth used to bridge the gap created by missing teeth.

Dental Bridges in Chandigarh, India

Dental Bridges in Chandigarh

Retainer crowns are attached to abutment teeth (healthy teeth on both sides of the gap) to support and hold the pontics in place. [1]

What Are the Different Types of Dental Bridges?

There are four different types of dental bridges: [2]

  • The most common type of bridge
  • Used when there are healthy teeth on either side of the gap
  • The replacement tooth is supported by two crowns placed over abutment teeth on either side of the missing tooth.
  • Can be fixed or removable

Traditional bridge

Traditional bridge

  • Used when there is no healthy tooth on one side of the missing tooth
  • Needs only one crown for support
  • The pontic is supported only on one side of the gap by one abutment tooth

Cantilever Bridge

Cantilever Bridge

  • Also known as resin-bonded bridge
  • Similar to traditional bridge and commonly used to replace a front tooth
  • Requires two abutment teeth on either side of the missing tooth
  • Crowns are not required for anchorage
  • A less invasive option that uses a metal or porcelain framework to hold the bridge in place
  • The framework is bonded to the backs of the abutment teeth

Maryland Bridge

Maryland Bridge

  • Requires an implant for anchorage - instead of crowns or frameworks
  • An implant is inserted into the jawbone to support a false tooth
  • More invasive than other types
  • More secure and stable than others
  • The procedure takes 3 - 6 months


Implant Supported Bridge

To choose the type of bridge that’s suitable for you, your dentist will consider the following factors:

  • Age
  • Bone levels
  • The size of the gap
  • Number of teeth to replace
  • Your preference and budget
  • Your oral and overall health condition
  • Presence of a healthy, natural tooth on one or either side of the gap

You need a well-trained, experienced dentist and an advanced dental clinic to enhance your smile with a bridge successfully.

Keep reading to learn about our partner clinics and dentists.

Best Dental Bridge Dentists in Chandigarh

Dentavacation works with the best dental bridge dentists in Chandigarh. Meet our experienced, board-certified dentists with expertise in bridge work.

Best Dental Clinic for Fixed Bridge in Chandigarh

We partner with the top dental clinics in Chandigarh. Our clinics meet international standards. You can rely on them for high-end bridge work and other dental treatments.

Chandigarh Dental Bridges: Before & After

To help you understand what your new smile will be like after getting a dental bridge, here are before and after photos of our patients after getting dental bridge in Chandigarh.

Implant supported bridge - Before

Implant supported bridge - After

Implant-Supported Bridge: Before & After

Chandigarh Dental Bridges: Reviews

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Dental Bridge Procedure: Step-by-Step

Video Consultation

Duration: 30 - 45 minutes

  • You will discuss your dental issues, expectations, and goals with the dentist.
  • Share your medical records and treatment history.
  • You will consult with the dentist via a video call.
  • An initial treatment plan will be created.
  • Get ready for your trip to Chandigarh.

First Appointment

Duration: 2 - 4 hours


  • The dentist will examine your teeth and oral cavity.
  • If necessary, additional medical tests or diagnostics will be done.
  • The final treatment plan will be created.

Tooth Preparation

  • The dentist will administer local anaesthesia.
  • The abutment teeth will be prepared (trimmed) for crown attachment.
  • A digital scanner is used to take the impressions of the prepared teeth.

Same-Day Bridge

If you qualify for a same-day bridge, a CAD/CAD milling machine will be used to design and create your custom bridge on-site.
The dentist will place your permanent bridge on the same day.

But if you’re not eligible for a same-day bridge, the impressions of the trimmed teeth will be sent to a lab. Fabrication and delivery of the permanent bridge will take a few days.

The dentist will give you a temporary bridge before the permanent bridge arrives. The temporal prosthesis helps to protect your teeth and maintain functionality.

Second Appointment

The second appointment usually comes 3 - 4 days after the first one, depending on when the lab delivers the permanent bridge.

Permanent Bridge
Duration: 1 hour

  • The dentist will remove the temporary bridge.
  • The permanent bridge will be attached.
  • Your bite will be adjusted.
  • The dentist will check for any discomfort.

Watch on YouTube: “Dental Bridges Abroad “
Dental Bridge Procedure

Implant-Supported Dental Bridge Procedure

Getting an implant-supported bridge takes more time because the procedure involves implant surgery. It takes 3 – 6 months to get an implant-supported dental bridge.

Implant surgery and temporary prosthesis will be placed in the first visit. However, permanent prosthesis will be cemented at a later stage; which is after 3 – 6 months of healing period.

How Many Visits to the Dentist for a Bridge?

It takes 1 – 2 visits to the dentist for a bridge. Getting dental bridges in Chandigarh, India, takes 1 – 4 days. The 3-unit bridge procedure requires one visit to Chandigarh and involves 1 – 2 dentist appointments.

Dental Bridges Treatment Duration in Chandigarh, India
No.of Visits to Chandigarh Duration of Stay No. of Appointments Process
Before Visiting Chandigarh Video consultation
First Visit 7-10 days First Appointment Examination

Tooth preparation

CAD CAM crowns & bridges placement (if qualified for a same-day bridge)

Second Appointment If not qualified for a same-day bridge: Permanent bridge cemented at later stage.

Note: The number of appointments can vary based on case complexity.

How Long After a Tooth Extraction Can I Get a Bridge?

Wait 6 to 12 weeks after a tooth extraction before getting a dental bridge. In the case of an implant-supported bridge, extraction and implant placement can be done simultaneously.

The waiting period allows gum healing and bone regeneration at the extraction site, which makes the site strong enough for a bridge placement.

However, how long it takes to heal depends on your oral health situation.

How Many Teeth Can Go on One Bridge?

A dental bridge can support from 1 – 3 teeth. In some cases, it can support up to 4 – 6 teeth. However, the higher the number of teeth, the less stable the bridge system becomes.

Additional support is required to replace more than 3 teeth with a bridge. Therefore, a long-span dental bridge is not usually recommended because of stability issues.

Dental Bridges: Pros & Cons

What is the disadvantage of dental bridges? Keep reading to find out! Why is a dental bridge not recommended for some people? It might be due to some bridge disadvantages that some patients cannot cope with.

Dental Bridges in Chandigarh: Pros & Cons
No. Pros Cons
1 More stable and comfortable than dentures Less durable than implants
2 Easier to place than implants Need a healthy tooth on one or either side of the missing teeth
3 The upfront cost is lower than that of implants Irreversible changes to surrounding teeth via tooth preparation
4 Good alternative if you have an insufficient bone density Abutments or adjacent teeth are prone to decay or cavities
5 Can replace multiple teeth Bridges can loosen or break
6 Prevent adjacent teeth from drifting out of position Altered chewing patterns or pain while chewing
7 Smile and chewing & speaking function restoration Material selection is important
Source:Verywell Health [3]

Is a Root Canal Necessary for a Dental Bridge?

Generally, RCT is not required. But, if the teeth adjacent to the missing space are decayed, then depending on the extent of decay, a root canal may be required.

Also, in some patients, food lodgement or poor hygiene can lead to decay after bridge is placed, warranting RCT.

What Is the Alternative to a Dental Bridge?

The alternatives to a dental bridge are implants, partial dentures, overdentures, and orthodontic treatments. [4] What is better, an implant or a bridge? Read on to find out!

Bridges vs implants vs Dentures
Implants Bridges Dentures
More stable Less stable than implants Less stable than bridges
Last longer than bridges and dentures Last longer than dentures Don’t last as long as bridges
Higher upfront cost Lower upfront cost Least upfront cost
Invasive procedure Not as invasive as implants Least invasive option
Takes more time Faster than implant procedure Least time consuming
Less likely to be covered by insurance Likely to be covered by insurance More likely to be covered by insurance
Source:Healthline [5]

Who Is a Candidate?

Good Candidate for a Bridge Not a Good Candidate
One or more missing teeth Poor oral health
Healthy teeth surrounding the gap Dental conditions like a root canal
Sufficient bone density for implant-supported bridge No healthy teeth surrounding the gap
Good oral health Medical conditions that can cause bridge failure
Absence of health conditions that cause bridge failure Inability to follow aftercare instructions
Willingness to follow post-procedure instructions Lack the motivation or manual dexterity to maintain hygiene
Source: Medical News Today [6] Forbes Health” [7]

Is It Safe To Get a Fixed Dental Bridge in Chandigarh, India?

Getting fixed dental bridges in Chandigarh, India, is safe. The city has qualified dentists and well-equipped dental facilities.

The dental clinics meet international standards, while the dentists, experts in bridge work, have international certifications and memberships.

Learn about the procedures and clinic’s safety, as well as travel tips to Chandigarh.

  • NABH accredited
  • Standard safety procedures
  • Board-certified dentists
  • Modern equipment like Ariel Nocospray, CEREC, and B-Class Autoclaves

  • The success rate of dental bridges is 94.3% [8]
  • The success rate of implants is 96.2% [9]
  • Standard sterilisation protocols
  • Bridges last long - up to 15 years

Chandigarh is very safe for tourists, but ensure you adhere to the following safety tips when in the city.

  • Keep your belongings safe
  • Don’t go to lonely areas in the night
  • Don't go out without an ID card
  • Get the local emergency number
  • Hire the service of a tourist guide

Planning Your Trip to Chandigarh

Chandigarh is the shared capital of Punjab and Haryana, India. Together with Panchkula and Mohali, it forms the Chandigarh Tricity. You can reach Chandigarh by air, railway and road.

  • Chandigarh has an international airport, Chandigarh Airport (IXC).
  • The airport is about 12 km from the centre of the city.
  • Chandigarh Airport has international air connectivity with UAE - Dubai (DXB) and Sharjah(SHJ).
  • There are no direct flights from the US, Australia, and the UK to Chandigarh Airport.
  • If you’re traveling to Chandigarh from Europe or North America, you have to fly to New Delhi and then get to Chandigarh from there.
  • Take another flight from New Delhi to Chandigarh Airport, or travel to Chandigarh by road or railway.
Flight Duration to New Delhi
Origin Duration
Washington, D.C. 14 hours 10 minutes
New York 14 hours 25 minutes
Toronto 14 hours 25 minutes
Ottawa 16 hours 35 minutes
London 8 hours 35 minutes
Birmingham 8 hours 20 minutes
Melbourne 12 hours 40 minutes
Sydney 12 hours 50 minutes
  • If you want to travel to India from within the country, the Chandigarh Airport has extensive air connectivity with other major cities.
  • Once you reach Chandigarh, you can take a taxi to the clinic.
Local Air Connectivity: Flight Duration from Major Indian Cities to Chandigarh Airport
City of Departure IATA Code Flight Duration
New Delhi DEL - IXC 1 hour
Mumbai BOM - IXC 2 hours 15 minutes
Kolkata CCU - IXC 2 hours 15 minutes
Bengaluru BLR - IXC 2 hours 55 minutes
Chennai MAA - IXC 2 hours 50 minutes
Jaipur JAI - IXC 1 hour 25 minutes
Lucknow LKO - IXC 1 hour 10 minutes
Ahmedabad AMD - IXC 1 hour 45 minutes
Pune PNQ - IXC 2 hours 15 minutes
Hyderabad HYD - IXC 2 hours 25 minutes

  • Chandigarh has a railway station (Chandigarh Railway Station).
  • It is directly connected to New Delhi, with about 8 trains running daily.

Here are some options with AC coaches & minimal travel duration:

Trains from Delhi to Chandigarh [DEC To CDG]

Train Name Time Travel duration
Shatabdi Express 19:15 - 22:35 3 hrs 20 min
Vande Bharat Express 11:40 - 14:45 3 hrs 5 min
Jan Shatabdi Express 14:35 - 18:45 4 hrs 10 min
Paschim SF Express 11:05 - 15:35 4 hrs 30 min

Chandigarh is well-connected to popular cities by good roads. You can drive or take a bus from nearby cities to Chandigarh.

City Distance from Chandigarh (Kilometres)
Delhi 250 km
Amritsar 229 km
Patiala 70 km
Ambala 44 km
Shimla 113 km
Ludhiana 97 km

Things to Do in Chandigarh

Chandigarh is a well-planned, beautiful city with many tourist spots. While in Chandigarh for dental tourism, check out the following places.

mahendra chaudhary zoological park chandigarh

Mahendra Chaudhary Zoological Park

Sukhna Lake and Wildlife

Sukhna Lake and Wildlife

Zakir Hussain Rose Garden

Zakir Hussain Rose Garden

Rock Garden of Chandigarh

Rock Garden


Get affordable dental bridges in Chandigarh, India, and save up to 93% compared to the US/Canada, UK, and Australia. We partner with the best bridge dentists and top dental clinics in Chandigarh.

The city has many tourist attractions, so you can have fun while getting top-quality dental care.


A bridge often costs less upfront than a root canal, but a root canal allows you to keep your natural tooth, which can be beneficial in the long term.

A root canal, while initially more expensive, can save you from future dental issues and more complex treatments.

Long-term costs depend on factors like:

  • Case complexity
  • Oral health status
  • Treatment needs
  • Insurance coverage

The traditional dental bridge is the best option compared to other types due to the support provided by abutment teeth on either side of the pontic.

It offers excellent strength and stability while being less invasive and time-consuming than an implant-supported bridge.

Bridge teeth can last over 6 years. [10] How long your bridge lasts depends on placement efficiency, case complexity, and hygiene maintenance.

If you take good care of your bridge, it’s expected to last long enough.

A dental bridge is considered a permanent restoration because it requires irreversible tooth preparation and can only be removed by a dentist.

However, despite being termed "permanent," a dental bridge typically needs replacement after about 10 to 15 years.

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