Low on confidence due to broken or crooked teeth? Dental veneers in Istanbul, Turkey, offer a smile transformation with over 85% cost-savings than the UK/US. Keep scrolling to discover the procedure, cost, benefits, types, best dentists, clinics, and more in our detailed guide.

Did you know? You can get a Hollywood smile with dental veneers in Turkey at highly affordable prices!

Dental Veneers in Istanbul, Turkey: Reviews

Many of our patients have experienced a smile transformation through dental veneers.

These patient reviews demonstrate their personal experience about getting them in Istanbul.

Dental Veneers in Istanbul, Turkey: Before and After

Dental veneers can provide you with a picture-perfect smile and improve your self-confidence.

Check out these before and after photos to witness the life-changing results.

Composite Veneers Istanbul Before & After

Composite Veneers Istanbul Before & After

Emax Veneers Istanbul Before & After

Emax Veneers Istanbul Before & After

How Much Do Veneers Cost in Istanbul, Turkey?

Teeth veneers in Istanbul cost €100 to €300 per tooth based on the material used.

For example, porcelain veneers in Istanbul cost €160 per unit, while zirconium veneers cost €180 per tooth.

Thus, the cost-savings go up to 85% compared to the UK cost, which ranges from €520 to €1300.

Refer to the following table for a comparison of the cost of dental veneers between Istanbul and the UK.

Dental Veneers Istanbul Price vs. the UK
Procedure Turkey (€/₤) UK (€/₤) Savings
Composite Resin Veneer* €130//₤110 €520/₤445 75%
Porcelain Veneer* €160/₤135 €1220/₤1040 85%
Zirconium Veneer* €180/₤150 €1300//₤1110 85%
E-Max Veneer* €300/₤255 €825/₤700 65%
*Per tooth
#Prices are case-dependant and subject to change

The average cost of dental veneers in Istanbul, Turkey, is between $110 and $325 per tooth.

The price may vary depending on the number of veneers and the type of material used.

Porcelain veneers in Istanbul cost $170 per unit, while zirconium veneers cost $200 per tooth.

You can save up to 90% on dental veneers in Istanbul compared to US prices, which range from $800 to $2000.

Refer to the following table for a comparison of the cost of dental veneers between Istanbul and the US.

Dental Veneers Istanbul Price vs. the US
Procedure Turkey ($) US ($) Savings
Composite Resin Veneer* $140 $800 82%
Porcelain Veneer* $175 $1500 88%
Zirconium Veneer* $200 $2000 90%
E-Max Veneer* $325 $1300 75%
*Per tooth
#Prices are case-dependant and subject to change

Why Are Veneers Cheaper in Istanbul, Turkey?

Dental veneers are cheaper in Istanbul, Turkey, due to the low cost of living as compared to the UK or the US. [1] [2]

This allows for cheap labor and low operating costs. It also leads to favorable currency exchange rates for international patients.

Thus, you can get affordable dental veneers in Istanbul without compromising on the treatment quality.

Keep reading to learn more about these reasons:

Cheap Labor & Operating Costs

Istanbul's low cost of living makes maintaining a dental clinic less costly than elsewhere.

Moreover, the cost of hiring, salaries of medical staff, and other equipment is much lower.

Favorable Currency Value

The Turkish lira has a much lower value than the US dollar, [3] the British pound, [4] and the Euro. [5]

Thus, foreign patients can enjoy affordable dental treatments in Istanbul, Turkey.

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Ultimate Guide to Dental Veneers in Istanbul, Turkey

Want to understand the procedure or wondering if you’re eligible for dental veneers? This section covers all you need to know about dental veneers in Istanbul, Turkey.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin, custom-made, tooth-colored shells attached to the front surface of your teeth. [6]

Veneers are the best option to improve the appearance of your teeth by solving cosmetic concerns such as:

Chipped Teeth

Broken Teeth




What Are the Types of Veneers in Istanbul?

Dental clinics in Istanbul, Turkey, offer 4 different types of veneers, including porcelain, zirconium, composite, and Emax.

Each veneer type uses different materials that have unique features, pros, and cons.

Check out the key highlights for all types of veneers available in Istanbul, Turkey:

  • Ideal for fixing teeth’s color and shape
  • Long-lasting due to stronger material
  • Offer better stain-resistance
  • Removal of the tooth’s enamel is required
  • They can last up to 20 years with proper maintenance
Source: Colgate, [7] Web MD [8]

  • Made of biocompatible material
  • Strong without bulky appearance
  • Fracture-resistant
  • Hides dark areas and intrinsic stains
  • Best choice for teeth grinding (bruxism) patients
Source: Pub Med [9]

  • Made of composite resin material
  • Ideal for fixing small chips or cracks in teeth
  • Easier to replace if broken or damaged
  • Require less or no enamel removal
  • May need frequent replacement
Source: Healthline [10]

  • Made of lithium disilicate glass-ceramic
  • They offer a more natural-looking and aesthetic result
  • Offer enhanced strength and longevity
  • Less prone to chipping and cracking
  • They can last up to 15 years
Source: ResearchGate [11]

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers

Zirconia Veneers

Zirconia Veneers

Composite Veneers

Composite Veneers

Emax Veneers

Emax Veneers

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are a great solution to revive your confidence with a natural-looking smile.

An ideal candidate for dental veneers may have:

  • Cosmetic issues like chips, cracks, uneven, discolored, or stained teeth
  • Close gaps between the teeth
  • Bruxism issue (frequent grinding of teeth)
  • Adequate tooth enamel
  • Good overall oral health
Source: Web MD [12]

Which Technology is Used for Veneers Treatment in Istanbul?

Dental clinics in Istanbul use computer-aided design & manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology to construct dental veneers.

CAD/CAM allows for quicker, more efficient, and accurate dental veneer treatments. [13]



CAD/CAM Technology in Istanbul

The Process of Getting Dental Veneers

The procedure for getting dental veneers may vary depending on the type of veneer you choose.

Check out the step-by-step process of getting veneers in Istanbul, Turkey:

Step 1: Consultation

It involves discussing your dental needs, goals, types of veneers required, etc. The dentist will determine the most suitable veneer based on your preferences.

Step 2: Treatment Plan

Then, the dentist will decide the number, size, shape, and color of veneers.

Step 3: Preparation

Enamel will be gently removed (if required) to make space for veneers.

Step 4: Impressions

The dentist will take an imprint of your teeth to create a mold for custom veneers.

Step 5: Fabrication

Custom veneers will be created in the lab. This process usually takes a few weeks. However, dental clinics with CAD-CAM technology can complete the fabrication faster.

Step 6: Bonding

The dentist will bond the veneers to your teeth with an adhesive.

Step 7: Adjustment

Finally, the dentist will check your bite and make final adjustments if required.

Source: Forbes Health, [14] Medical News Today [15]

How Long Does It Take To Get Veneers in Istanbul, Turkey?

Generally, it takes about 5-10 days for the entire dental veneer treatment to complete, from consultation and teeth impressions to fabrication and placement of veneers.

However, the duration may vary in some cases. It depends on the case complexity, the number/type of veneers, and the availability of an in-house lab.

Refer to the table for a general idea of the procedure timeline for different types of veneers:

Timeline for Dental Veneers in Istanbul, Turkey
Procedure Required Time
Composite Veneers 1-2 days
Emax Veneers 5-7 days
Porcelain Veneers 5-10 days
Zirconium Veneers 5-10 days

Can I Pick The Color I Want?

Yes, as dental veneers are a part of cosmetic dentistry, you can choose any shade of white based on your preferences.

You can go for a picture-perfect Hollywood smile in Istanbul with a bright shade or select a more natural-looking appearance.

How Much Will My Teeth File Down?

While not always necessary, the dentist may need to file off about 0.5-1 mm of the tooth enamel for veneers. [16]

They need to file teeth because the natural enamel can get harmed or weakened by the glue, reducing how long the veneer lasts.

Are Veneers Part of Hollywood Smile?

Yes, most people choose dental veneers to achieve a picture-perfect Hollywood smile.

Dental veneers not only fix broken, chipped, or uneven teeth but also enhance the appearance of your teeth.

However, a Hollywood Smile treatment can also include other procedures like teeth whitening, braces, or crowns.

What Is the Difference Between Dental Veneers and Crowns?

Both dental veneers and dental crowns in Istanbul, Turkey, are excellent options for fixing common cosmetic concerns like chipped, discolored, crooked, or broken teeth.

The following table lists the major differences between veneers and crowns:

Dental Veneers vs. Crowns
Point of Difference Dental Veneers Dental Crowns
Thickness Thin; about 1 mm in thickness Thicker than veneers
Tooth Preparation Minimal tooth preparation is required Significant tooth reduction and shaping are needed
Coverage Covers only the front surface of the tooth Covers the entire tooth structure
Strength Less durable, more prone to chipping Stronger and more durable
Function Primarily cosmetic enhancement Provides structural support and restores functionality
Tooth Preservation Preserves more natural tooth structure Requires removal of more tooth structure
Cost Generally less expensive than crowns Usually more expensive than veneers
Longevity Lifespan varies but is generally shorter than crowns Longer lifespan compared to veneers
Source: Healthline [17]
Watch on YouTube: “What”
Dental Veneers vs. Crowns in Istanbul

What Is The Difference Between Veneers And Teeth Whitening?

Dental veneers and teeth whitening are excellent ways to get a brighter, white smile.

The following table covers how these cosmetic dentistry treatments differ from each other:

Point of Difference Dental Veneers Teeth Whitening
Purpose Fixes cosmetic issues like chipped, uneven, cracked, or broken teeth Ideal for teeth whitening in cases of stained or yellow teeth
Application Requires application of thin shells to teeth Utilizes bleaching agents to whiten natural tooth enamel
Material Thin shells of porcelain or composite resin Utilizes hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide
Tooth Preparation Requires minimal tooth preparation No alteration of tooth structure required
Coverage Covers only the front surface of the tooth Whitens the entire tooth surface evenly
Results Provides permanent cosmetic enhancement Results are temporary and may require periodic touch-ups
Durability More durable and resistant to staining Susceptible to staining from food and drinks
Cost More expensive than teeth whitening Less costly than dental veneers
Longevity Longer-lasting results compared to teeth whitening Results may fade over time, requiring retreatment
Source: Web MD, [18] Medical News Today [19]

How Long Do Veneers Last in Istanbul, Turkey?

With proper aftercare and good oral hygiene, dental veneers should last between 10-15 years. [20]

However, several factors, including the type of veneer and quality of long-term care, may affect this lifespan.

What Are the Advantages of Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers offer the following benefits:

  • Perfectly blend with your natural teeth.
  • Truly enhance the appearance of your smile.
  • Offer different color shade options to make the darker teeth appear brighter.
  • Highly resistant to stains compared to your natural tooth enamel.
  • They only require a little shaping compared to crowns.
Source: Web MD [21]

Aftercare Tips for Dental Veneers in Istanbul, Turkey

Proper aftercare is crucial to ensure long-lasting results after getting your dental veneers in Istanbul, Turkey.

Some major aftercare tips include maintaining good oral hygiene and making conscious food choices.

We’ve gathered some aftercare tips below based on thorough research and dentists’ advice:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.
  • Use a nightguard in case you grind your teeth (bruxism).

  • Avoid biting hard objects or your nails.
  • Refrain from chewing very hard foods or opening items with teeth.
  • Avoid consuming excess amounts of foods or beverages that may cause staining. Some examples include tea, coffee, red wine, etc.

  • Visit your dentist for regular checkups to ensure your veneers are in perfect shape.
  • Your dentist might check the veneers for any damage or stains.
  • The dentist may also recommend time frames for replacement veneers.

Source: Medical News Today, [22] Healthline [23]

Need help deciding which clinic to choose for your dental treatment? Scroll down to learn about the best dental clinics in Istanbul, Turkey.

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Top Clinics for Dental Veneers in Istanbul, Turkey

Dental clinics in Istanbul, Turkey, ensure top-quality treatments backed by advanced equipment and state-of-the-art facilities.

These technologies include CAD/CAM, CT scan, digital X-ray, 3D intraoral scan, etc.

Moreover, the clinics have over a decade of experience in providing successful dental treatments with long-lasting results.

Explore the top-rated veneer clinics in Istanbul, Turkey, below:

Want to know who would place your dental veneers? The next section lists the best dentists for veneers in Istanbul, Turkey.

Best Dentists for Dental Veneers in Istanbul, Turkey

The success of dental treatments such as veneers highly depends on the skill, expertise, and experience of the dentist.

A dentist’s qualifications and certifications speak for their credibility and ability to perform a specific dental procedure.

To help you make the right choice, we’ve gathered a list of top dentists for dental veneers in Istanbul, Turkey.

Is It Safe To Get Dental Veneers in Istanbul, Turkey?

If you perform comprehensive research and follow general safety tips, it is completely safe to get dental veneers in Istanbul, Turkey.

Our partner clinics in Istanbul ensure the safety of their patients in the following ways:

  • Follow international standards of sterilization protocols and strict hygiene regulations
  • ISO-certified clinics adhering to their quality standards [24]
  • Use advanced technology like CAD/CAM, 3D intraoral scanning, X-rays, etc.
  • Accredited and certified by renowned organizations such as TDB & EDAD
  • Multilingual and highly trained dental staff

Additionally, visiting Istanbul, Turkey, is considered safe for dental tourists as the city has a fairly high safety index. [25]

High safety standards are a major reason why dental tourism in Turkey has also been booming in recent years. [26]

However, you must follow some standard safety tips while staying in Istanbul for your dental treatment.

  • Keep your belongings secure and avoid carrying valuable items openly.
  • Avoid traveling alone in unknown areas during the night.
  • Always carry your passport, phone, money, and nearest embassy location in an emergency.
  • Stay alert and exercise common sense, especially in crowded places.


Getting your dental veneers in Istanbul, Turkey, can help you save up to 85% compared to the UK/US prices.

With renowned clinics & certified dentists, veneers in Istanbul are the best way to transform your smile.

Get a free quote today to get started!


Istanbul, Turkey, offers top-quality dental veneer treatment at surprisingly low prices.

Modern dental clinics in Istanbul have advanced technologies to ensure accurate and long-lasting results.

Moreover, its dentists are members of renowned organizations like TDB, EDAD, etc., and have a high success rate in various dental treatments.

Getting dental veneers in Istanbul, Turkey, is safe and painless. Veneers generally don’t even require anesthesia as they involve minimal tooth preparation. [27]

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